Cartilage: how to regain movement and prevent deterioration

Cartilage: how to regain movement and prevent deterioration

Do your knees hurt? Does your leg bother you when you walk? Is it hard to move some area of your body? This could be related to a cartilage condition, which make fluid movement possible, providing flexibility and a shock absorber. Cartilage is a firm, but flexible tissue that covers or protects the ends of bones at the joints (where two bones connect). They are a kind of hard gelatin that also prevent bone wear when bones hit or rub against each other.

female knee painCartilage also shapes and supports other areas of the body, like the nose, the ears, and the trachea.

Tears and strains generally happen to athletes, dancers, or individuals that physically exert themselves a lot.

Cartilage can be damaged in several ways, such as:

  • Genetic factors
  • Arthritis
  • Osteoarthritis, which results from worn down cartilage
  • Careless diets or deficient nutrient absorption.
  • Energetic causes: one of the deepest causes to cartilage damage is stress or anxiety when moving the body. Although you may not notice it, when the body is under stress, both the tendons and ligaments tend to become more tense. When moving, this causes greater wear on cartilage and a long period of deterioration. Imagine, for example, that when you’re walking you don’t want to go a certain direction, but you’re forced or obligated to do so. You want to go one way and your leg wants to go the other. Something has to give, so you end up forcing yourself in a direction you don’t want to go. Without noticing it, your legs suffers from stress, and over time, this stress creates greater wear. This wouldn’t happen if you were to walk where you wanted to go, in a fluid and pleasant fashion. This example only shows a metaphorical view of how the way you live life could cause cartilage damage or problems. In this case, your cartilage problem arises from a conflict related to your movement in life; you find it difficult to move, you feel obligated, you feel like there are obstacles that prevent you from going where you want to go.

Symptoms of damaged or injured cartilage:

  • Pain while moving some area of the body, like the knees, legs, ankle, etc.
  • Limitations or problems moving your body.
  • Damage to the joints, deformities.

Diet, relaxation and emotions for healthy cartilage

Regarding severe injuries, generally surgery is necessary. But there are other methods you could use before resorting to surgery. Try the following natural treatments:

Diet: accumulated toxins in the body could wear down cartilage. We recommend following a diet for two days, during which time you consume only pineapple. This will lower your body’s toxemia and will sweep harmful substances that could be stored in the joints. After the two days on this diet, start a regimen of raw and steamed vegetables. Avoid all red meat and poultry, along with refined pastries, cow’s milk, and white sugar. While following this diet you should drink at least two liters of fresh water, and drink orange juice before breakfast. You could also drink carrot juice with aloe at midday, and don’t forget to eat fresh ginger in your juices and smoothies, which is great for purifying joints and reducing inflammation.

Relax: you might like to exercise, dance, or do some sort of physical activity, but if you do them competitively, and you don’t give your body the necessary rest, or if you’re pushing yourself a lot, and are a perfectionist without considering your pain or fatigue, your body will feel it. Rest however much is necessary, and take at least one or two days a week to give your body time to recover.

Think about how you live your life. If you don’t like the direction you’re headed in, if you feel like all your projects are going down the drain, if you feel like something or someone is not letting you be who you want to be, you will have problems with your movement. Sometime we cling to ideas, and these fixed ideas cause “immobility” in the mind. This will be reflected in the body. Make sure you are not clinging to certain ways of thinking, try to see if the values you hold are good for you. If not, start by noticing that, and changing your set of values.

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