Articles about 'vitamin C' - The Joy of Wellness

Rejuvenate and Heal your Skin with Vitamin A

If you want to rejuvenate tissues, cells and look younger by preventing organ and tissue deterioration, then take a look at whether your diet provides enough vitamin A. A lack of dietary vitamin A could cause undesirable health effects both in health as well as beauty. Insufficient vitamin A has the most ...Read More

Guava: Cure High Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, increase White Blood cells, Rejuvenate, etc.

Guava is one of the most effective medicinal fruits for all sorts of conditions. This fruit has a very unique taste, with an attractive smell and a yellow or pink color. It is a favorite in diets to heal the body. Not only is it tasty, it has a long list of ...Read More

Orange against Intoxications, Acidosis, Allergies, Uremia, Pyorrhea, Intestinal problems, etc.

The Orange is a great fruit. Chronic intoxications, a tendency towards allergies and acidosis or intestinal problems which are caused by a lot of illnesses and infections like dermatitis, cystitis, etc. They can’t resist the natural medicine in oranges, which, among its natural cures, is one of the most pleasant, effective, and ...Read More

Warts: super effective Remedy for Removing them

If you want to get rid of those warts on your skin and you don’t want surgery or other costly and ineffective remedies, then there’s nothing better than this super effective remedy to make them go away. Warts are a type of benign tumor that are caused by a virus. Although they ...Read More

Papaya against Arthritis, Constipation, Premature aging, Detoxifying, etc.

Papaya is definitely one of the most medicinal fruits in existence. This fruit has so many curative effects on the body, it stands out for its vitamin C and A content that comes as betacarotenes, which are potent antioxidants. Not only do they repair damaged tissues, but they noticeably strengthen the body’s ...Read More

Challenge Cancer with Fruits rich in Vitamin C (Fruit therapy against cancer)

Vitamin C is used as far as it will go in natural medicine, and is gaining more and more of a reputation for helping heal diseases, like cancer. Vitamin C has been the subject of a profound study. It is known to be first in line for maintaining and strengthening the defense ...Read More

Properties of Cherries

I would like to introduce you the properties of Cherries. The cherry is an elegant fruit. It has an intense, scarlet color and a very special size and taste. It is believed to originally be from Mesopotamia and was used in antiquity by Greek doctors because of its powerful cleansing properties. It ...Read More

The Wonders of Rose Hips

Rose Hips are a bush native to Europe, and belong to the rosaceae family. They have purple and thorny stalks and branches, and white and red buds, sometimes appearing straw-colored. Every part of the bush is made up of substances with extraordinary therapeutic properties. The bush grows either wild, or cultivated, in cool, ...Read More

The wonders of Parsley

Parsley is originally from the oriental Mediterranean, this herb is extremely well-known and popular in cooking and medicinal uses. This herbaceous plant lives for 2 years, is bright green in color, and has an unmistakable aroma. Its leaves divide into wedge-shaped stems. It creates small green-yellow flowers that are arranged in clusters, with ...Read More

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